Wharton Alumni Networking Online on Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Date and Time
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
7:30am— 9:00am
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Online Networking - Information sent on email
Barbara Sagusti

215-628-9844 x104

Join the Wharton Alumni Networking Group Online on Tuesday, September 14, 2021!


 YOU MUST register in advance to attend! 

Image Credits: Ben Kolde, unsplash.com

Join us for our first Fall Wharton Alumni Networking Online Meeting!

Wharton members are Free, non-members may attend for a small fee.

The Wharton Alumni Networking Breakfast is the Wharton Club of Philadelphia's business networking and leads generation group.

The group usually meets in person the second Tuesday of each month over breakfast and frequently conducts joint meetings with other alumni clubs and networking organizations in the region to further expand our networks. Due to the COVID-19 issues, we have been having this meeting online with the zoom platform. 

The Wharton Alumni Networking meeting provides Club members with a means of establishing helpful business connections and relationships and learning more about each other’s work and businesses. This, in turn, helps members explore and determine ways in which they can be of assistance to each other, in terms of business leads, introductions, and referrals. We also occasionally have guest speakers or invite Club members to provide more in-depth presentations on their businesses or a particular topic of interest to the attendees. With the exception of our occasional “bring a friend” meetings, in order to participate in this group and attend its meetings and events, you must be a Wharton School alumnus and a member of the Wharton Club of Philadelphia.

Here is how you can attend:

The Wharton Alumni Networking Online participants must register by 9/13/21.

Fee:  Wharton Club members are free!  You may register and pay $20 if you are not a Wharton Club member.

  September 14, 2021

Time:  7:30 to 9:00 am 

Online on Zoom. 
Details to be shared on email once you have registered. 
7:30 AM - 8:00 am informal networking in breakout rooms on Zoom,
8:00 AM - 8:55 am Structured networking - everyone speaks about themselves/business for 1-2 mins in alphabetical order. 
8:55 AM - 9:00 AM Announcements and closing 

Purchase Tickets

Or register manually

Non-member Ticket
Non-member Ticket
Member Tickets
Wharton Club Member Ticket
Map & Directions

Online Networking - Information sent on email

by public transit by car by bike Walking