How to Respond to Crisis and Change in your Career and Your Company

Date and Time
Thursday, April 27, 2023
7:00pm— 8:00pm
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Philadelphia, PA
United States
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Barbara Sagusti

It’s inevitable. Something happens that requires an immediate response. Your company lost its biggest client. Your division was sold off to a competitor and your job is on the line.

Most of us recently saw a widespread crisis when the pandemic forced us to learn to work in a new way. Whether you worked for a large company or owned your own enterprise, you had to make shifts.

Anne Gemmell is a management consultant specializing in bringing collaborative methods to the greatest challenges of today’s leaders. She helps C-suite executives and entrepreneurs create task forces and teams to respond to challenge and crises that impacted their careers and their companies.

Anne has coached these leaders on both individual and corporate level. She emphasizes that traditional styles of leadership won’t work in today’s dynamic environment. She encourages individuals to view their careers differently compared to even ten years ago. Change management goes beyond finding the next hire or updating a resume. You need skills and strategy….and they’re rarely taught in business school.

Anne has helped many organizations reach their goals with collaborative leadership tools. As Director of Special Initiatives, Anne served as Philadelphia's first pre-K director and then led the "future of work" policy response. She has boots-on-the-ground experience in working with diverse stakeholders to reach a goal.

Anne holds an BS degree from West Chester University and played college basketball. She earned an MA from Villanova as a James Madison Fellow. She has three adult children and lives in South Philadelphia with her husband.

Date and Time:
Thursday, April 27, 2023 - 7-8pm EST

Wharton Club members:  Free
Non-members:  $10

Zoom Information provided with registration.




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