How to Excel in the World of Remote Work - And Help Your Team Do the Same

Date and Time
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
6:00pm— 7:00pm
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Virtual Event
Barbara Sagusti

The Wharton Club of Philadelphia is delighted to have University of Pennsylvania alumnus Robert Glazer, CEO, Wall Street Journal bestselling author and keynote speaker, share his insights on leading an award-winning, 100 percent remote organization for the past 14 years.  

Register now for this informative talk.  Robert will be available after the presentation for questions.

Date: Tuesday, 10/5/21

Timing:  Presentation:  6:00 - 6:40 pm - Presentation
              A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

Cost:  Wharton Members:  free
           Non-members:  $20
Login information will be sent 24 hours prior to the event

48 hours required for refunds


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