The Wharton Club of Philadelphia, along with our Partners:
LaSalle and Beacon Human Capital Management (formerly the Greater Philadelphia Senior Executive Group Human Capital Management), Invite You to Participate in our 2nd Seminar on Saturday, February 25th!
February 25th 8:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Creating Your Rhythm With Mindfulness
In this session, Pax will guide the group through the science of mindfulness and positive psychology, integrating many of the practices and interventions we can use to build a happy mind and a flourishing existence. The session will be interactive and engaging, with mindfulness practices interspersed throughout and a hands-on approach to several activities and exercises. Get ready for a game-changer.
Prakriti “Pax” Tandon ( For more than a decade, former CNBC anchor and Wharton grad Pax has brought her extensive training in mind, body, and spiritual healing practices to a broad range of clientele by applying her professional expertise to real-life situations. This has attracted national attention, making her one of the most sought-after life coaches in the Philadelphia area. Inspired by her own battle with depression as a teenager, Tandon earned her Masters degree in Positive Psychology (University of Pennsylvania), which by definition is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. At the core of Positive Psychology is the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to better enhance their experiences of love, work, and play. She is also a certified teacher of yoga and mindfulness. Check out Pax’s website for more information:
Tickets include The Union League Signature buffet.
The Union League
140 South Broad Street
Library Lounge, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
Ticket Prices for Wharton Alumni and Partner Members:
February Program: $40.00
Three Remaining Programs: $105.00
Ticket Prices for Guests, Non-Wharton Alumni and Non-Partner Members:
February Program: $45.00
Three Remaining Programs: $120.00
48 Hours Required for Refunds
March 25th 8:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Ethical Decision-Making
Jim will lead an interactive session on ethical decision-making strategies, using practical scenarios typically encountered by business practitioners and executives, as the basis for discussion. Jim will lead participants through his tested process for addressing conflicts of interest, and bringing clarity and resolution to often murky ethical dilemmas.
Jim is the Ethics Officer for Olympus Corporation of the Americas, located in Center Valley, PA. Jim chairs the company's Ethics Committee and the HR Policy Committee, and serves on the Compliance Committee and Information Security Subcommittee of the Americas Board of Directors. Jim's primary ethics-related responsibilities include resolving conflicts of interest and other ethics related issues arising under the company's Code of Ethics. Jim is an attorney with over 25 years of experience in human resources and workplace law.
April 22nd 8:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Leading Innovative Teams
Michael will discuss his published research on the specific leadership behaviors that distinguish those executives who are seen as leading innovative teams from those perceived as not being innovative leaders.
Think you know what distinguishes them? Well, which set of items below (A or B) distinguished innovative from non-innovative leaders?
Group A
- Calm, thoughtful style helps make sensitive issues discussable.
- Self-assured enough to invite and consider dissenting views.
- Knows the industry, latest trends, and where things are going.
Group B
- Does not shy away from making his/her opinions, views, and reactions known.
- Speaks his/her mind and can be firm without seeming harsh or shutting down discussion.
- Challenges other points of view for a purpose and expects a reasonable response.
The answer might surprise you.
In this session, you will learn what specific, statistically significant behaviors distinguish leaders of sustainable innovation. These are behaviors you can easily learn to do if you do not already do them.
In addition, we will explore gender differences and similarities when it comes to leading innovative teams. For example, which one of the following three statements is true?:
- Women scored significantly higher on more items than men
- Men scored significantly higher on more items than women
- Men and women scored about the same
We will also discuss what the research could mean for developing, selecting and promoting innovative leaders in your organizations.
As you can see, this interactive workshop will allow for lots of small group work, discussion and debate.
Come join the discussion on the important topic of leading innovative teams.
Dr. Seitchik is the Director for Research and Assessment for Bates Communications. Over the past 35 years, he has been both a senior officer and a consultant. His past positions include being the Director of Program Management for Wharton’s Division of Executive Education from 1988-1997. His work on leadership development has been cited by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the Financial Times, and BusinessWeek named one of his workshops one of the three most innovative programs in the world. His most recent article, "So You Think You Can Innovate” was published this past summer.