Wharton Alumni Networking Breakfast with Penn State Smeal Business Club, Philadelphia Chapter 10/23/18

Date and Time
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
7:30am— 9:00am
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135 S 18th St
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States
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YOU MUST register in advance to attend!


Welcome to the Wharton Alumni Club of Philadelphia Networking Breakfast! 

Come hear one of our Wharton Club members, Cathy Goodwin, speak about the art of storytelling and how it can be used effectively to market yourself and your business.  
A little information about Cathy:  
Cathy Goodwin holds an MBA from the Wharton School and a PhD from UC Berkeley. In her 20 year career as a college professor, she published extensively on services marketing, with several projects on metaphors and meaning of consumer behavior. Cathy has several books on Amazon, including Grow Your Business One Story At A Time. From her website, CathyGoodwin.com, she offers consulting and copywriting services to entrepreneurs who want to grow their small business with a big online presence. Through webinars, speaking and online courses, she teaches business owners and organizations how to use storytelling to simplify their marketing and strengthen their message.

Our Special Guests are The Penn State Smeal Business Club (Philadelphia Chapter)

Date:  October 23, 2018

Time:  7:30 am to 9:00 am 

Location:  a.Kitchen, 135 S. 18th Street, Philadephia, PA

Doors will open at 7:30 AM
Continental Breakfast and Coffee will be Served
Meeting will be from 8:00 to 9:00 AM
Special Thanks to Ellen Yin for hosting our October Alumni Networking Breakfast.

The Penn State Smeal Business Club, Philadelphia Chapter 
will be joining us! 
Fee: $15.00 - You must register to attend!  
The Wharton Alumni Networking Breakfast is the Wharton Club of Philadelphia's business networking and leads generation group.
The group usually meets the second Tuesday of each month over breakfast and frequently conducts joint meetings with other alumni clubs and networking organizations in the region to further expand our networks. The Wharton Alumni Networking Breakfast provides Club members with a means of establishing helpful business connections and relationships and learning more about each other’s work and businesses.   This in turn helps members explore and determine ways in which they can be of assistance to each other, in terms of business leads, introductions, and referrals.  We also occasionally have guest speakers or invite Club members to provide more in-depth presentations on their businesses or a particular topic of interest to the attendees. With the exception of our occasional “bring a friend” meetings, in order to participate in this group and attend its meetings and events, you must be a Wharton School alumnus and a member of the Wharton Club of Philadelphia.
Here is how you can attend:  
The Wharton Alumni Networking Breakfast participants must be Wharton alumni who are current members of the Philadelphia Wharton Alumni Club, or members of the Penn State Smeal Business Club and have registered by 10/19/18.

Scroll down below to purchase tickets. 
48 Hours Refund Required


Purchase Tickets

Or register manually

Wharton Club Member Ticket
Penn State Smeal Business School Club Ticket
Map & Directions


135 S 18th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking